Week of January 2, 2019

Class Donations

Used small tissue-size boxes (for our math unit)

Happy New Year!

January 2019
January 2 (Wednesday) – Back to School! PTA Meeting 6pm
January 15 (Tuesday) – Chorus Concert 7pm
January 21 (Monday) – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – School Closed
January 28 (Monday) – School Closed


In writing, we will continue to work on writing through the lens of a history. During this bend of writing, we will develop more focused research reports. We will learn to make use of primary sources in our informational writing and to think about themes and perspectives. We will also continue developing command of conventions such as capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. We will expand, combine, and reduce sentences for meaning, reader/listener interest (audience), and style.

Word Study Focus: Word structure and usage of possessive nouns


In science, we will continue with our study of space with a focus on our driving question: How can we better understand space systems through big ideas found in the cross-cutting concepts, including:

  • Patterns
  • Cause & Effect
  • Scale, Proportion, & Quantity
  • Systems & System Models?


In math, we will begin our focus on unit 5. Within this unit, students study volume as an attribute of solid figures. Students develop an understanding of volume and explore ways to measure it. Students explore the concept of volume by first filling solid containers with cubes and then observing and discovering the mathematical formula. Students compare volume by using cubes to build rectangular prisms. Students discover that the volume of a right rectangular prism can be calculated by multiplying the area of its base by its height. Students discover that the volume of a right rectangular prism can be found by multiplying its lengths, width, and height. Students work with determining the volume of composite figures that are composed of rectangular prisms.




In reading, we will focus on short literary text in whole group. Focusing on key ideas, details, inferencing and summarizing text information will be important during this unity of study. The students will read novels in small group and at home. We will engage in literature circles and students will complete a project based on their novel. It is expected that students read at home for at least 20 minutes a night. The project details will come home with students.